"World Environment Day is a unique opportunity for Sweden"
Three quick questions to Hanna Berggren, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s project manager for World Environment Day, about Sweden hosting World Environment Day.

World Environment Day is celebrated globally on 5 June. What is the point of this day?
– World Environment Day is a global campaign established following the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm. This day, celebrated in over 150 countries, aims to increase awareness and mobilise action, with a specific environmental theme and a new host country every year. This year’s theme is the same one as when World Environment Day was established 50 years ago: Only One Earth. The theme highlights the importance of living in harmony with nature and focuses on the opportunities of transitioning to cleaner, greener lifestyles.
This year Sweden is the host country for this day. How will it be marked?
– World Environment Day places a huge national focus on the climate and the environment. Activities will be held in schools, visitor centres at national parks and nature reserves, museums, at workplaces and in the public space. That same week, Sweden is also hosting the global UN meeting Stockholm+50, which, together with World Environment Day, provides a unique opportunity for organisations, government agencies and companies to show their environment work and inspire a global audience. Sweden and its initiatives will receive global attention.
What do you hope people will take from this day?
– I hope many people, both here in Sweden and globally, see the excellent environmental initiatives being taken by Sweden and Swedish civil society’s engagement. Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something so we can together create a better and more sustainable world. Small changes to our everyday lives, for example reusing more, eating more sustainably or reducing litter, have a huge impact if we all pull together. I have promised myself that, as of 5 June, I will avoid using disposable items if given the choice.
Hanna Berggren was interviewed by Maria Eklöf, Senior Consultant at New Republic. ‘Three Quick Questions…’ is a series of interviews conducted by New Republic.