‘I will propose a new housing supply objective’
Three quick questions to Karolina Skog, the special investigator leading the inquiry En socialt hållbar bostadsförsörjning [A Socially Sustainable Housing Supply] (Fi [Ministry of Finance] 2020:06), who will submit her final report at the end of March.
Segregation is a burning issue. Is that something you will highlight?
– Yes, segregation is a widespread structural problem in Sweden that needs tackling at several levels. It is therefore a natural part of work looking at the housing supply. I will propose a new housing supply objective that will include the issue of combating segregation.
How do you see a selective housing policy meeting the needs of, for example, disadvantaged families with children?
– I see many things wrong with the Swedish housing market. There is, however, one group that stands out and is especially affected – low-income families with children. I am, therefore, taking a position. I am proposing a particular focus on selective measures that can help more families with children over the threshold where they are in a position to acquire a home themselves. I believe it is possible, but it requires targeted efforts. I feel we need to ditch the idea that we can achieve a functioning housing market only through universal measures.
One tool available is giving priority to various groups who move to a municipality. Is that working?
– There are priorities, meaning people go to the top of the housing list so they can receive a tenancy agreement, and there are reservations; in other words, if flats are being built for young people, there is a separate list for them. We see this as something positive that should be used more. We will propose changes that make it clear that this practice is allowed. We will also propose systems requiring municipalities to clearly explain how they use reservations. We also want to remove the lack of legislative clarity, which some interpret as meaning that they cannot give priority.
Karolina Skog was interviewed by Magnus Johansson Hessling, Associate Partner at New Republic. ‘Three Quick Questions…’ is a series of interviews conducted by New Republic.