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”Important that politicians realise the sharing economy’s importance”


Three quick questions to Jacob Rudbäck, founder of the app company Yepstr, which participated in Open Friday 2016, about the importance of attending Almedalen as a company. Open Friday is the day when New Republic allows its centrally located, small Almedalen arena to be used free of charge by actors who would otherwise not attend Almedalen Week. New Republic also helps with event planning and execution.

Why is it important for Yepstr to attend Almedalen?

– Almedalen is Sweden’s most important political arena and an important opportunity to conduct agenda-setting work. For Yepstr, an innovative start-up and tone-setter in the Swedish sharing economy, it is important to attend and get an idea of the political sentiment. For us, it is important that politicians realise the sharing economy’s importance and that not only American apps gain a foothold and use the Swedish tax system, especially when our innovative Swedish companies have such unbelievable potential.

Being a company in the starting blocks, what did it mean to you to have the use of the arena on Open Friday in Almedalen?

– It provided huge opportunities to make new and sometimes unexpected contacts. It was valuable to get direct input and discuss the company with people instead of only communicating digitally and also financially relevant because we came into contact with business angels who wanted to invest in Yepstr. It means a lot to us to receive financial support to give all young people the same opportunity to work, develop and earn their own money.

What is important to bear in mind when arranging an event in Almedalen?

– It is important to be well-prepared and to find a niche; only promoting yourself as a brand is uninteresting. Make sure to participate and contribute to the discussion in a tangible way. It may even be a good idea to find collaborative partners to take the event a step further. When it comes to marketing, I am a believer in using your existing network rather than campaigns. During my three years at Almedalen, I have also noticed it is better to be active early in the week; there is the risk that people are tired towards the end.

– I would really recommend Open Friday to other start-ups. Going there and getting a lot of airtime pay considerable dividends. Invest the time, be a part of the spectacle!

Jacob Rudbäck was interviewed by Hedda Fredmark, intern at New Republic. ‘Three Quick Questions…’ is a series of interviews conducted by New Republic.

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