‘Swedish companies need foreign expertise’
Three quick questions to Maria Malmer Stenergard, the Moderate Party’s spokesperson for migration and social insurance policy, about better conditions for attracting expertise.

Why does Sweden need to increase its attractiveness as a country for highly skilled labour migration?
– So that Sweden can compete as a high-knowledge and -innovation country, we need to be able to attract, recruit and retain highly skilled workers. It is also vital for Swedish growth. Companies with research operations believe, for example, that access to skills is the most important factor when deciding where to locate their R&D operations. The necessary skills are not always available in Sweden, and many sectors are experiencing a massive skills shortage.
What are currently the most serious obstacles?
– Most sectors are facing obstacles, for instance the high tax burden and the design of the expert tax, the migration legislation is not designed to specifically safeguard highly skilled labour migration, the Swedish Migration Agency’s long processing times and access to housing and international schools.
What solutions does the Moderate Party advocate? And, in your opinion, is there broad political support to achieve them?
– Within my area of responsibility, migration, I see a good chance of the right-wing parties agreeing on migration legislation that specifically protects and attracts highly skilled workers. The same goes for shorter processing times. We, the Moderate Party, want to see a guarantee that the Swedish Migration Agency will process applications and permit extensions within 30 days. Contacting Swedish government agencies must be made easier, for example through the introduction of a single interface with government agencies such as the Swedish Tax Agency, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and the Swedish Migration Agency.
Maria Malmer Stenergard was interviewed by Mattias Keresztesi, Director of Business Development & Partner at New Republic. ‘Three Quick Questions…’ is a series of interviews conducted by New Republic.