‘The pandemic is accelerating the need for a stronger social contract’
Three quick questions to Filippa Morfiadakis, consultant at New Republic, former head of the organisation Boost by FC Rosengård and a long-time social sustainability adviser specialising in the labour market, integration, equality and collaboration between the private, public and voluntary sectors.

You were the head of a voluntary organisation that has brought thousands of young people into the labour market. Now you are a public affairs consultant. Why this move?
– I have developed and led an organisation extremely dependent on political decisions, opinions and cyclical fluctuations. I believe my experience and understanding of how to forge strong relationships with the outside world are of use to many companies and organisations wanting to become more responsible social actors. I want to contribute to political reforms that solve problems while creating business benefits for the economy.
What has the coronavirus pandemic meant for working with social sustainability?
– The pandemic has revealed deep social divisions, which is good – things we can see we can do something about. What is worse is that the divisions have often become deeper. Increased domestic violence, increasing mental illness and a waning belief in the future among the young are alarm signals about an exacerbated social exclusion that society must not turn a blind eye to. But in all this hardship, it is possible to find opportunities. So to answer your question – it will become even more important for companies and organisations to help keep society together.
You talk about the need for a stronger social contract. What do you mean by that?
– Consumer purchasing behaviour is changing; people are choosing employers based on their social responsibility; the capital market is investing in social bonds, and a social taxonomy is going to be introduced in the EU. Companies taking greater responsibility for their relationships with the outside world will benefit. And more and more companies want to play an active part in building society. Politics now needs to create new and better conditions in order to utilise the commitment that exists. The need for a stronger social contract where all actors are given the opportunity to contribute is greater than ever. I believe the pandemic is accelerating this trend.
Filippa Morfiadakis was interviewed by Paulo Silva, CCO and Partner at New Republic. ‘Three Quick Questions…’ is a series of interviews conducted by New Republic.