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‘We continue to increase support on all fronts’


Three quick questions to Thorbjörn Larsson, Secretary General of the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund, about the requirements and future issues in the fight against childhood cancer.

How is the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund working long term to improve the situation of those who have had, and will have, childhood cancer?

– This last year, we have had meetings with decision makers, provided knowledge-based information, served as decision support and built relationships with important social actors. Government commissions and agencies as well as politicians increasingly turn to us to gain a greater understanding. The fact is society’s lack of insight into what suffering from childhood cancer does to a family and what life is like after childhood cancer contributes to the great suffering. Making decisions that benefit many people is easier armed with research-based knowledge and the experiences of those affected.

How has the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund adapted its work to the pandemic?

– The work we do with those affected has, to a great extent, been carried out digitally by way of virtual camps, series of discussions, online support groups, etc. We constantly work to reach out to all those affected, on their terms and based on their requirements. We are now continuing to increase support on all fronts. On 8 May, we will be holding an online seminar to which we are inviting, among others, affected families as well as some of the country’s leading researchers and experts to speak frankly about the situation of those affected. Also, Ardalan Shekarabi (Social Democratic Party), Minister for Social Security, is participating in a discussion on society’s support for those affected.

What are the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund’s most important future issues?

– Solving the most difficult research questions we still face so more children survive childhood cancer. However, surviving is not the same as living; many today suffer from complications and late effects. Hence, new treatments, precision medicine, advanced competence in care as well as better follow-up and relevant rehabilitation are needed. The support systems must also have a better understanding of the difficulties faced by those affected. One example of our direct initiatives in this area is Legal Aid, where we help affected families with legal issues when dealing with the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and insurance companies.

Thorbjörn Larsson was interviewed by Johannes Hylander, Senior Consultant and Partner at New Republic. ‘Three Quick Questions…’ is a series of interviews conducted by New Republic..

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