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‘We need political courage, a concentrated effort and cooperation’


Three quick questions to Pär Dalhielm, CEO of the industry body the Swedish Water & Wastewater Association, about how climate change is affecting drinking water and about the paradigm shift that the water and sewage industry is undergoing.

How is climate change affecting our drinking water?

– It is having a huge effect. Changes in climate are threatening our drinking water in that torrential rain and floods are endangering important resources for the economy, the individual and societal functions. Access to water and its quality are affected, for instance, by chemicals, discharge, surface water management, climate change, torrential rain, heat and drought. The water and sewage industry is right now in the middle of an exciting paradigm shift, at the centre of which is the sustainable and circular water supply. Here solutions for sustainability, climate adaptation and increased circularity are given plenty of space.

Who is responsible for safeguarding drinking water for future generations?

– Safeguarding drinking water is a societal responsibility that requires responsibility and action at many levels. What is needed here are political courage to deal with conflicting goals, a concentrated effort regarding the industry’s long-term supply capability but also greater cooperation between the relevant actors. No one has the sole right. Cooperation is crucial!

How will the water-and-sewage-related climate adaptations be financed?

– Water and sewage companies see an increased need for maintenance and investment, and again, cooperation is required. In order to innovatively meet the future sustainable water supply, which entails increased environmental standards, more capacity and competencies, large investments are required in our single most important food product, namely water. The water and sewage industry can do so much more if we are given the right conditions. Here we are in the starting blocks, ready for what is perhaps the industry’s most important marathon race.

Pär Dalhielm was interviewed by Louise Pons, Senior Consultant & Associate Partner at New Republic. ‘Three Quick Questions…’ is a series of interviews conducted by New Republic.

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